

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18), is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. Those born under this horoscope sign have the social conscience necessary to take us into the new millennium.

Those with the Aquarius zodiac sign are humanitarian, philanthropic, and very interested in making the world a better place. In that sense, they would like to make the world work better, so they focus much of their energy on our social institutions and how they work (or don't work).

Element: air

Polarity: Positive

Quality: fixed

Ruling planet: Uranus

Government House: Eleventh

Mantra: I know

Body parts: pimples

Colors: silver and blue

Tarot card: the star

Gem: Amethyst

Flower: orchid

The best love matches: Sagittarius

Aquarians have a strong sense of social justice and make the world a better place, and they see themselves as just one link in an endless human chain. They are very concerned about others, not how others treat them or how they want others to treat them.

Those born in Aquarius are shy and quiet, but on the other hand they can be eccentric and energetic. However, in both cases, they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love to help others. They can see without prejudice, on both sides, which makes them people who can easily solve problems.

Although they can easily adapt to the energy around them, those born in Aquarius have a deep need to spend time alone and away from everything, to restore power. People born under the sign of Aquarius see the world as a place full of possibilities.

Aquarius is intellectual and analytical, but don't mistake these attributes for distance. Aquariums have a deep passion, but they know that jumping into something too fast can do more harm than good. Aquarians are often thinkers who can see connections in a way that eludes others.

Aquariums have energy, warmth, and a deep desire to get things done. They feel that they are on the planet to change the world and they will. Aquarians are idealists and will never accept "good enough" until they truly believe it is good enough.

Those born in Aquarius bring enthusiasm to work and have a remarkable ability to exploit their imaginations for commercial purposes. The career that allows the development and demonstration of the concept will suit this zodiac sign. His high intellect combined with his willingness to share his talents inspires many who work around him. Aquarius is a visionary type who likes to participate in activities that aim to improve humanity.

The Aquarius man can often live within his own mind, so he needs a partner to talk about the progressive thoughts he creates. So if you want to seduce him, you must first be friends. Most of their romances tend to start out as friendships that gradually evolve into something more serious. This means that Aquarius men will never get into a romantic relationship with someone who is not yet friends.

The Aquarius woman craves romance and good conversation, although she may come off as a cold and distant person. He is an excellent sexual partner, but only if you are convinced that you are interested in something more than a one night stand. If you want to seduce a woman born under the Aquarius zodiac sign, you will have to appeal to the many different sides of her personality. Aquarius women are attracted to people who stand out from the crowd, so if you want to attract their attention, it is important that you appear a little different from everyone else you meet.

Famous people born under the sign of Aquarius:

Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles, The Weeknd, Shakira, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston, Chloe Moretz, Taylor Lautner .


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